th_mrssshurley Jul 18, 2010 03:45
aunt anna - i'm so fucking glad your bac, dean no one likes you, death - i wanna be your bff, casey - we should hang out, lilith - your hair is pretty, azzy - you look good in yellow, ruby - i miss your scent, long island ice teas do nothing, stat, ellen - your such a bamf, maggie - your awesome, god - /narrows eyes/, still tagging, dean stfu, andy - i need some shrooms, patrick - if i wasn't happily married -, catie james and oliver - momma loves you, ali - bacon lube, uncle gabe - i always spell your name "u, my minion army, william - you're my favorite brother, daddy - *mwah*, ava - are you the green fairy?, lolol jess is a dog, adam - you and i need to gang up on dean, war - what is it good for, tessssssssssa, jo - i feel like we'd be an awesome duo, 2012 is coming, lol dean's in love with ruby, dinosaurs, zach - do you miss uri?, omg i wonder how much i can type here, i'm scared i missed someone, and dean's gay for cas' cock, omg mom leave me alone, um, brady - we should hang out, harry - diaf, unf unf chuck, becky needs to get laid, crowley - see ellen's comment, jess - can i pet you, chuck is great in bed, dean go away, also adam and sam need to get it on, becky needs more booze, pesti - we should be friends, becky will never catch up with treehouse, willa - your post is epic, meg - i love your boots, yeah that's all i got, ed - get with andy, endorphins make people happy, brb drinking, sam - ilu, andy - get with ed, becky is so totally drunk rn, lucifer - when are we gonna write our fi, yay ruby's back, sex gives people endorphins, boobie - lolol boobie, cas - dean wants you, michael - stfu, becky is here holla, chuck bb where are you, ash - do not get back with cas, uri - i miss you, crowley - you too, absoultly nothing, also dean's gay, i miss my bbies, misha collins is everywhere, raph - you're the best guardian angel ev, totes not drunk
th_mrssshurley Jun 28, 2010 22:52
misha collins is everywhere, my minion army, writer's block, despicable me, desp me movie